Control & Measurement Control & Measurement is staffed by a small team of engineers and technicians with many years experience in the manufacturing, test and development of products. We draw upon years of experience to ensure that we  provide... A fast service, keeping the time between specifying a requirement to providing a solution as short as possible Well suited, we use the most appropriate products either our own or off the shelf equipment to provide our customers with the ideal solution. Reliable, we use our experience to ensure that our products are reliable no only in their own operation but also in their ability to correctly check the products under test. Fast operation, we understand that time is an important element in any test regime. We work hard to ensure that all tests are carried out as quickly as possible without effecting accuracy, therefore keeping production costs as low as possible. Cost effective, our solutions including our own designs and those products made by others that we specify and use have been selected not only for their performance but also for their cost effectiveness.